Create a Dumbbell Plot using ggplot

A friend of mine asked if I could replicate the following plot:

First, we load the packages and set the colors to be the same ones from the original plot (or at least, as close as possible).

# ************************************************************************* ----
# Packages                                                                  ----
# ************************************************************************* ----



# ************************************************************************* ----
# Colors - From the original plot                                           ----
# ************************************************************************* ----

orange <- "#e8ab5f"
green <- "#a1ad62"

background_diff <- "#eef0e2"

gray <- "#bbbbbb"
light_gray <- "#f4f4f4"

Now, we need to recreate the data. I did that as if the data were organized as follows:

#        Country Ages_35_plus Ages_18_34
# 1      Germany         0.39       0.81
# 2       France         0.42       0.83
# 3      Vietnam         0.49       0.86
# 4        Japan         0.43       0.78
# 5       Poland         0.51       0.86
# 6      Lebanon         0.57       0.90
# 7    Australia         0.60       0.91
# 8  South Korea         0.45       0.75
# 9       Canada         0.65       0.93
# 10       Spain         0.57       0.85
# 11       Italy         0.57       0.83
# 12        Peru         0.65       0.91
# 13        U.S.         0.63       0.89
# 14          UK         0.59       0.84
# 15      Mexico         0.67       0.90
# 16       Chile         0.75       0.96
# 17       China         0.52       0.73
# 18       India         0.48       0.69
# 19      Pais A         0.60       0.40
# 20      Pais B         0.50       0.50

I’ve included Pais A and Pais B so that I have one country with a negative difference, and another one with a difference of zero.

# ************************************************************************* ----
# Data for Dotplot                                                          ----
# ************************************************************************* ----

original_df <- 
    Country = c("Germany", "France", "Vietnam", "Japan",
                "Poland", "Lebanon", "Australia", 
                "South Korea", "Canada", "Spain", "Italy", "Peru", "U.S.",
                "UK", "Mexico", "Chile", "China", "India", 
                "Pais A", "Pais B"
    Ages_35_plus = c(0.39, 0.42, 0.49, 0.43, 
                     0.51, 0.57, 0.60,
                     0.45, 0.65, 0.57, 0.57, 0.65, 0.63,
                     0.59, 0.67, 0.75, 0.52, 0.48,
                     0.6, 0.5
    Ages_18_34 = c(0.81, 0.83, 0.86, 0.78, 0.86, 0.90, 0.91,
                   0.75, 0.93, 0.85, 0.83, 0.91, 0.89,
                   0.84, 0.90, 0.96, 0.73, 0.69,
                   0.4, 0.5 

Given that, I needed to do 5 things before I started:

1) Insert a line break in South Korea

2) Calculate the age differences

3) Sort countries by their age differences

4) Set country names as factors so that we can plot it in the correct order.

5) Gather columns into key-value pairs (age groups).

## \__Line Break

original_df_v2 <- 
  original_df %>%
    Country = ifelse(
      Country == "South Korea", 
      # Value_if_True:
      "South \n Korea", 
      # Value_if_False:

# _________________________________________________________________________ ====

## \__Calculate the age differences

base_diff <- 
  original_df_v2 %>%
    Diferenca = Ages_18_34-Ages_35_plus
  ) %>%
  Sort (descending), but that's OK as ggplot inverts the order
  arrange(Diferenca, desc(Country)) %>%
  # Create factors from the names of the ordered countries
    Country.fact = factor(Country, levels = unique(Country))

# _________________________________________________________________________ ====

## \__Gather columns

df_diff_gather_age <- 
  base_diff %>%
    # Group Name 
    key = Age_Group,
    # Name of the Variable to input the percentages of Age
    value = Age_Percent,
    # Age variables 
    Ages_35_plus, Ages_18_34
  ) %>%
  # Reorder the variables in the database
  select(Country, Country.fact, Age_Group, Age_Percent, Diferenca) 


# ************************************************************************* ----
# Dot Plot                                                                  ----
# ************************************************************************* ----
  data = df_diff_gather_age,
  mapping = aes(
    # Y Axis
    # X Axis
    # Groups with different colors
    # If difference is zero, put it into a third group
    color = ifelse(Diferenca == 0, "zero", Age_Group))
) + 
  # Plot lines between points, by Country
    mapping = aes(group = Country),
    color = gray,
    size = 2.5
  ) +
    # Dot size
    # dot type. Important to be number 19, otherwise we cannot plot the dots 
    # with the colors for different groups
    pch = 19
  ) + 
  # Add % for each point
    # Font size
    size = 4,
    # Set text a little below the dots
    nudge_y = -0.35,
    mapping = 
        label = 
          # If country is Germany (the first one), plot numbers with %
          ifelse(Country == "Germany",
                 # Value_if_True:
                 # Value_if_False
        color = ifelse(Diferenca == 0, "zero", Age_Group)

  ) + 
  # Add "Legend" above Germany (the first one)
    # Font size
    size = 4,
    # Bold face
    fontface = "bold",
    # Set text a little above the dots
    nudge_y = 0.6,
    mapping = 
        label = 
          # If Country is Germany, plot legend
          ifelse(Country == "Germany",
                 # Value_if_True:
                 ifelse(Age_Group == "Ages_35_plus",
                        # Value_if_True:
                        "Ages 35+",
                        # Value_if_False:
                        "Ages 18-34"
                 # Value_if_False
        color = ifelse(Diferenca == 0, "zero", Age_Group)
  ) +
  # Change dot colors
    values = c(orange, green, "gray")
  ) +
  # Change scale x axis
    # Set limits to 0 and 1.2 (we won't set it to 1 because we neeed some space
    # after 1 to place the values of the differences)
    limits = c(0,1.2),
    # Show tick marks at every 25%
    breaks = seq(0,1,.25),
    # Change scale to percent
    labels = scales::percent
  ) +
  # Expand y axis scale so that the legend can fit
    expand = expand_scale(add=c(0.65,1))
  ) +
  # Add white rectangle to set the area where the values of the differences will
  # be
    mapping = aes(xmin = 1.01, xmax = Inf , ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf),
    fill = "white",
    color = "white"
  ) +
  # Add rectangle with correct banground color for the differences
    mapping = aes(xmin = 1.05, xmax = 1.15 , ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf),
    fill = background_diff,
    color = background_diff
  ) +
  # Add Differences values
    # Bold face
    fontface = "bold",
    # Font size
    size = 4,
    # Font Color
    colour = "black",
    # Position
    mapping = 
        x = 1.1,
        y = Country,
        label = 
          # To avoid duplicate values, plot empty text for the first group and
          # plot the difference only for the Ages_18_34 group.
          ifelse(Age_Group == "Ages_35_plus",
                 # Value_if_True
                 # If the difference is equal to zero, do not put any signal. 
                 # Otherwise, if Positive, put the + sign on the front.
                 ifelse(Diferenca == 0,
                        # Value_if_True:
                        # Value_if_False
                        ifelse(Diferenca > 0, 
                               # Value_if_True
                               # Value_if_False
  ) +
  # Insert Title of Differences
    # Bold face
    fontface = "bold",
    # Font size
    size = 4,
    # Cor
    colour = "gray",
    # Set text a little above the dots
    nudge_y = 0.6,
    # Position
    mapping = 
        x = 1.1,
        y = Country,
        label = 
          # If Country is Germany, plot values
          ifelse(Country == "Germany",
                 # Value_if_True
  ) +
  # Plot Title and Axis Labels
    title = "The social media age gap",
    subtitle = paste0(
      "Adult internet users or reported smartphone owners who \n",
      "use social networking sites"
    x = "",
    y = ""
    ) +
  # Change background, General font size, and other things
    # Change font color and text for all text outside geom_text
    text = element_text(color = "#4e4d47", size = 14),
    # Country names in bold face
    axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold"),
    # Add space between x axis text and plot 
    axis.text.x = element_text(vjust = -0.75),
    # Do not show tick marks
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    # Delete original legend (keep only the one we created)
    legend.position = "none",
    # White background
    panel.background = element_blank(),
    # Country (y Axis) Lines
    panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = light_gray, size = 1),
    # Change Title Font
    plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 16),
    # Change Subtitle Font and add some margin
    plot.subtitle = element_text(face = "italic", size = 12,
                                 margin = margin(b = 0.5, unit = "cm"))


And the final plot:
